# of watchers: 20
Fans: 0
| D20: 16 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2005-02-23 [Lilith]: I've changed this wiki so that only crew can edit this page. I got tired of people posting unrelated messages and uploading their entries to cat of the day here.
2005-02-23 [Redneck Archeress]: If you don't want people to just chit chat here then just disable the comments... because you know it's going to happen anyways. I don't see many peole having questions or anything. But, I do have a question/sugge
2005-02-23 [Sunrose]: You just used the commentsection exactly what it was meant for, so there should be no problem for other people doing the same. End of discussion. // To answer your question: You can see past cats if you go to Mainstreet and click 'More Cat of the Day' :)
2005-03-11 [Gengar]: I have 9 (regular) cats... can I nominate more than 1?
2005-03-11 [Lilith]: Yes, you can nominate as many as you like. But I will let your cats wait if there are other cats nominated.
2005-03-12 [Gengar]: Thanks! It's ok for me... I love to see other kitties too ^^
2005-04-16 [mufasa]: yey! i got cat of the day! JOY :3
2005-04-18 [pebbles_kitten]: <3
2005-04-18 [pebbles_kitten]: i love my cat pebbles she is sooooooooooo cute i love her soooooooo much lol
2005-04-18 [pebbles_kitten]: ^_^ meow
2005-04-18 [Vessel 4 Christ]: mew!!
2005-05-09 [Shinobu]: Hey all!! Would it be ok if i would send my picture of my cat Buffy to the cod? ^___^ He's adorable! His picture is on my house! Or presentation @_@;;;
2005-05-11 [angelkitty]: hey i would like to see my kitty on the cat of the day cuz she is so sweet and she is the one that keeps me alive her pic is on my presentation if u would like to see it
2005-05-13 [djxmonster]: Why is the url "poems"?
2005-05-14 [Hedda]: Because that's the name of the page. It just means that it uses that slot.
2005-05-23 [666me666]: i want one of those :(
2005-06-01 [=sarah=]: boring!!!!
2005-06-01 [Hedda]: Eh... I mean: Post an image of it! Never ever post real cats!
2005-06-02 [Gengar]: *grin* I think that must be hard... the closer my cats have been to the computer is when they sleep on top of the CPU... or walk in the keyboard. ^_^
2005-06-04 [Catmomma]: *o* meow
Number of comments: 47 | Show these comments on your site |